Your Success Is Hiding In Your Fear

After such a long hiatus from writing posts, I feel as if I am on a posting rampage. Consistency it tricky for me sometimes, writing 1,2 or 3 times a week. I’ve decided for now that if an insight hits me I will just post it.

It’s truly facinating the way we are created. On the one hand we are able to change and adapt to the world around us, and on the other hand we are highly resistant and fearful of change.

It would seem that when change is forced upon us we change and adapt, but if it is optional we avoid.


Because a body at rest stays at rest.

When we are comfortable where we are we resist change. Even being unhappy or in pain isn’t enough. Have you ever had a headache but are too resistant to get out of bed to take a Tylenol? How about that relationship that you are in that you should have ended months or years ago?

Growth comes through change, but we fear the change because we don’t know what will be when the change has taken place.

In previous posts I have spoken about the importance of having a vision. When you are clear on your vision you can then evaluate where you are and then what action is required to close the gap.

When you begin to think about what actions will help you get from where you are to where you want to be, notice what thoughts make you feel a bit fearful and resistant. When you get that feeling it is a strong sign that taking action in those areas will lead you rapidly to your success.

And with your vision strongly etched in your mind you have a sense of what will be on the other side of change. The stronger your vision the easier it will be to break through your wall of fear.

Need some help breaking through your fear. Sign up for a free 30 min session.


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Gain Mastery In Almost Anything You Want


On March 31st after battling a cold for a few weeks, I woke up in the morning drenched with sweat. I new something wasn’t right. I drove myself to the hospital. I had contracted a serious pneumonia. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital and a month at home recovering.

The bright side was the pneumonia diet. 25lbs in two weeks. Though highly effective, I don’t recommend this diet. As well as a lot of time to reflect on my life, which has resulted in some amazing refocusing of my life and my coaching.

One of the downsides was the muscle loss and lack of exercise for almost a month. When I got back on the squash court after being away for 5 weeks my game was atrocious. I could barely get a point of my opponent. I got winded quickly and I wasn’t even moving fast on the court.

This past Thursday after playing horribly for two week, I was getting ready to play the 4th of five games. I was feeling really dejected. A part of me was thinking maybe this is a sign that I should just give up the game. My opponent was commenting to me how in the past three games I had barely gotten 3 points off him, attributing it to his great skill.

Then something amazing happened.

First, I got frustrated at my self for letting him irritate me. Second, I challenged myself. I had lost 25lbs, so I should be a bit faster. I had been doing Yoga and workouts at home for the past three weeks so I should have some significant strength and endurance. I had gotten pneumonia not amnesia, I still knew how to play powerfully.

At that moment I made a conscious decision to BRING IT ALL ON.

I knew that I had it in me and that if I really wanted it, I could bring in to the surface.

The next game was a workout, I didn’t win but it was a close game. The game after that I won. Today when I played though my opponent won the games, they were all pretty close and a great workout. Before the week is out I expect to be winning a majority of the games.

What’s the lesson?

Success and Mastery begin with a powerful decision. When every fiber of your being is committed to fulfilling your desire. The gifts that are sleeping inside of you wake up and practically carry you in the direction of your dreams.

When you are fully commited to your desire you will break through all the barriers that were previously holding you back. The sacrifices required for your success will no longer feel like sacrifices, they will just be WHAT HAS TO BE DONE.

Whatever your desire is answer these 3 questions.

  1. On a scale of 1-10 how much do I really desire it?
  2. If I am not a 10 what do I need to get it there?
  3. What is the action I need to take now to begin the realization of my desire?


If you feel you are having a hard time getting your self to that strong desire, sign up for a free coaching session and I will help you ignite your fire.

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200 Million Contacts. How Many Do You Have?

One of the more popular discussions/advertisings that you see on the social networks is followings.

I have 5000 friends (FaceBook)

I have 50,000 followers (twitter)

I have 2 million connections (LinkedIn)

Yada, Yada, Yada.

Well I just discovered that I have 200,000,000 contacts. Yes you read that right 200 million. Don’t believe me here is the link


The reality is that for 99.999999999% of you, your list is has about as much value as the white pages.

If you have built your list using list generating tools or by just randomly friending and accepting everyone as friends, realize that those people are probably doing the same.

As well as a result of these reckless, meaningless list building technique you end up spending your time reading advertisements for list building, mlm and sex. Talk about real value.

Good Friends Are Like Diamonds. Hard to find. Precious. And Extremely Valuable.


Prior to the invention of the Internet we did not try and create thousands upon thousands of meaningless relationships. We worked hard and tried to cultivate deep, long lasting connections with a few people.

So why are we doing the total opposite on-line?

Your argument might be that you are trying to build a business and you need more contacts so you can make more money.

How is that working for you so far?

Let me show you the power of the Core 100

Lest take a look at Bill and John. Bill has 100,000 twitter followers/following that he got by using various list building tools. John has 100 followers/following that he spent a year cultivating solid relationships based on values, vision and conversation.

On a daily basis Bill has 10,000 tweets to read through. The truth is that most of those tweets are spam and because there are so many garbage tweets even if there is a conversation worth getting involved in, Bill ends up not seeing it. As well when Bill sends a tweet, no one reads it because the followers are either inundated with spam tweets and miss his, or he is just tweeting to a bunch of followers that are spammers set up with auto tweet and auto respond.

John on the other hand never gets a spam tweet and if there is a tweet from those he is following he knows that there will be some value there. As well when he tweets he knows he is going to be read and responded to because his followers are people that know him and want to be connected.

A Product Of Value.

Bill and John both have a quality product that people would find beneficial.

Bill and John each put together a website to market and sell the product. The price of the product is $10

Bill goes to his twitter account and sends a tweet, excited by the amount of money he is going to make if even 10% of his followers buy. But as you guessed he doesn’t make a single sale. In fact the analytics show that only 3 people came to his web page. Needless to say Bill gives up.

Now John tweets to his followers. Remember these are people that have a relationship with him and trust him. The majority of is followers check out the site and 50% buy because it is something they can use.

50 buyers at $10 = $500

But it doesn’t stop there.

Because John’s followers are real relationships, they want to help him further and those 100 RT John to their 100 and John gets a 25% return in sales from that tweet.


John’s 100 Followers Tweet their 100 followers (100 x 100) = 10,000

25% buy (2500 x $10) = $25,000


It Doesn’t stop there.

John continues to get RT by the next level and the next level, he also generates leads from the people that buy and benefit from his product.

I think you get the picture.

Deep down you know that the model that Bill used is a waste of time, but it is so easy to do. So you try and hope that for you it will work.

Here’s the amazing thing. With a bit of planning and some consistent effort you can achieve success that can even surpass John.

If you would like to take your business towards real success. I would be glad to spend 30 min with you on Skype to help you get the ball rolling.

Sign up for a free session below.


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Simple Steps That Will Take Your Business From Stagnation To Success

We are always looking for the Quick Fix, the Magic Bullet, that will instantly bring an endless flow of business and revenue. Sadly we end up being disappointed. There are no Free Rides.

Success takes work.

Dedicated, Goal Focused Work.

That being said. Success in your business does not have to be complicated. In fact many of the answers you need are right inside of you.


Success is an inside job. When you work on yourself and ensure that you are modeling what you want to see in your business, things almost naturally fall into place.

Leadership is not about forcing change, but supporting growth and success.

I was recently speaking with a client. He was frustrated with the lack of follow through on commitments by his staff. I asked him how he was in following through on his commitments to his staff? He thought about and expressed that he falls short in that area.

We talked it through and the client made a 21 day commitment to actively work on fulfilling his commitments. He shared his commitment with his staff, which also had a profound impact. It showed humility and a willingness to grow.

By changing the way he shows up, his staff will have leadership in this area and begin to do the same.

Take some time to reflect on what needs to be improved in your business. Be honest with yourself and see if you need to personally improve in this area.

Make a 21 day commitment to actively work on improving in this area.

You will be simply amazed with the results.

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