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Category Archives: Business
Why Did It Take Harry Potter Seven Books To Beat Lord Voldemort
The easy answer is money. A if you have a billion dollar franchise you try to keep it going for as long as humanly possible. But I want to go deeper here. In all the stories where you have the … Continue reading
Posted in A better life, Business, coaching
Tagged harry potter, lord voldemort, struggle, success, visino, voldemort
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What I’ll Do For You
I’ve been working on clarifying the vision for my Executive Coaching practice. I was speaking with a client and I wanted to clarify what I am here to do for him. This is how it came out. My role as … Continue reading
Giving A $1,000,000 Value
The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither ~ Confucius I spent the day at a cottage on Lake Simcoe today. My partner and I wanted to get away from the city and work on vision for our coaching practice. … Continue reading
Gain Mastery In Almost Anything You Want
On March 31st after battling a cold for a few weeks, I woke up in the morning drenched with sweat. I new something wasn’t right. I drove myself to the hospital. I had contracted a serious pneumonia. I spent … Continue reading