39. Better An Incomplete Goal, Than A Goal Never Started.

Well 40 days has come and gone and I did not reach my 200 post goal.

Though I didn’t reach my goal I learned a number of things along the way.

Realize factors that influence your goal. Too many things get in the way of success most of the time it’s just because we don’t even start. When I started I could have accomplished the goal with 5 posts a day, by the halfway mark I needed close to 10 posts a day. A quality post takes almost an hour to put together. As you can imagine, spending 10 hours a day, while still trying to complete all my other obligations became a non option.

Don’t give up adapt, flow, change your way of thinking. I wanted to reach my goal I didn’t, but I got farther than if I never would have tried. Before I started this self challenge I had maybe 17 posts, which took over three months to write. Now in the past 40 days I posted an additional 38 posts I doubled my output because I had the pressure of a challenge. If I had never set the challenge I might have only added another 5-6 posts.

The pressure of a goal is best cured by action. With each passing day the goal became heavier and heavier. But I did’t stop focusing on the spirit of the goal which was to put more quality content on my blog.

I’m sure when Peter returns from his month long vacation he will call me to task for not reaching my goal, especially since he put faith in me. The truth is that his belief in me was what made it possible to even begin my efforts. It wasn’t until a few people posted the recognition of my goal, that I began to start posting regularly.
When setting your goals it is OK to be unrealistic, as long as you recognize the essence of your goal. You may not realize the completion of the goal within the timeframe you set, but you might notice that you have begun to realize its essence.
Man has long planned to reach the stars. We still haven’t gotten very far in that realization, but the essence of that goal was to reach beyond our own planet. We have landed on the moon, built space stations, and sent satellites far into our solar system. We have achieved much and are much closer to the stars than if we never would have attempted the goal.
Whatever the goal, think big. A goal half achieved is still an accomplishment.
Feel free to share some of the goals you have partially achieved, so you and others can see the benefits.

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