38. Who Will I Be Today?

Is your day going as planned?
Did you even plan your day?
For the most part many of us get up in the morning and run through the entire day on auto pilot. How many times have you said to yourself on a Thursday night, “Is it the end of the week already?”  As the weeks turn into months and the months into years, we soon find that our life as flown by and we have missed most of it.
How to we solve this? How do we get the most out of life?
The key is being present in every moment of life. Instead of living your life by routine plan each day. Yes I realize that there is a certain monotony to many of our lives; we work 9-5, pick up the kids, do the shopping, clean the house. But we have the opportunity to infuse even those moments with the energy of presence.
When you know who you want to be and where you want to go it is much easier to realize and appreciate the actions of your day. You don’t phase out because, it no longer is a dreaded process, it is something you choose to focus on so you can achieve your goals.
This is what helps a person spend 7-10 years studying to become a doctor. The person doesn’t see each day as a useless drudgery, rather each completed day is another brick in the building of their dream.
Tonight before you go to sleep take a few minutes to plan your day tomorrow. How will you infuse your day with purpose? Who do you want to be? How do you want to interact with those around you?
Even the simple act in your day; turning on the computer, starting the car, checking your messages. If you choose to be present in those moments it will help to focus your mind. You will begin to be more aware of your days.
And though your week might still fly by, you will know where it went, and how it was used. You’ll be able to reflect on your accomplishments and take new steps towards living a life of purpose and meaning.

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