9. A Moment Of Change.

To make a change in life is seen as a massive undertaking that is highly feared, but how does it begin?

I believe it all happens in a moment. Something happens in our lives that make us instantly aware that the path we’re on is the wrong one and it is time to change. This moment of awareness is usually so intense that we vow to take the steps toward change and to stay on this course permanently. After a few days we return to our old patters as if this incredible awareness never took place.

The question of course is why do we falter???

To give an analogy; Imagine standing in a room that is pitch black an being told that a flash is going to go off and you have to find the source of the flash in the most direct manor. When the flash goes of you are intensely aware of the source of light but when the light has disappeared you seem to be plunged into an even greater darkness, with no bearing on where the light may have come from.

This is similar with change; when we have this moment of awareness our own fears and hesitancies plunge us back into the darkness forcing us to wait for that next moment of awareness so that we may take the next step towards change.

How do we escape this abyss?

Find a way to as it were keep the light flashing, keep that awareness at the forefront of your thoughts.Continually remind yourself of your new awareness, your commitment to change, and the steps you are taking.
Write it down, sticking on your bathroom mirror, put it in your wallet, make it a daily affirmation, do anything that will help to reinforce the“WHY” for change.

Also most important take immediate action. It has been discovered that if you take action within 24 hours of having a change awareness you are more likely to gain a momentum that will lead to successful change.

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