The last few weeks have been both exciting and hectic for me. I have been working to redefine my overall game plan towards optimal life fulfillment and at the same time I have been trying to manage the events happening around me. One of the big things taking place has been a major transition on a board that I am involved with. The board, a small number of people who are both passionate and hard working, has unfortunately not been run optimally and as a result is suffering some major financial and structural chaos. The decision was to completely renew the board. To have the old step down completely and allow a new board with fresh ideas and capabilities, unburdened by the mistakes and bad habits of the past to help rebuild the organization.

One of the big messages that I passed on to the new board is the need for a full day of strategic planning.

Up until now the current board in their 8 yr. history had never taken this step. They functioned on random meetings late at night. As a result they never had the benefit of creating a clear map that would carry them from year to year.

It is this day of strategic planning that allows a company clearly focus themselves on the intentions for the year ahead. There is reflection on the past year, focus no the long term objectives and planning for the present in order to fulfill their mission.

You would be hard pressed to find a successful company that does not have this Annual Meeting.

So my question is;

If it works for top companies, can it work for you?

Imagine what it would be like if you took a full day to plan your personal year. To reflect on the year past, to assess your personal, family and work goals. To determine the best game plan to help you towards your objectives, and to set a solid action plan for the year ahead.

Moving forward from that day you would have a clear sense of how your days ahead will be. You will not have to worry about endless wasted days throughout your year. You will have the opportunity to live your days completely on purpose.

Tell me what you think about an annual personal planning day. How do you think it could impact your life?

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