Mistakes Made. Lessons Learned. – Reflecting On The Past Week.

This past week I began working on a new project which I am very excited about. It is a site that will be focused on growing the Professional Coaching field.
Initially I was going to build it in the framework of a multi-user blog, but then found a seemingly impressive open source content management system called Joomla.
Being excited and impatient and not taking the time to design the complete process, I immediately downloaded the software and began teaching myself how to use the system.
Yesterday it hit me, that in the past week I had numerous thoughts to blog about, but had not posted a single thing. In fact I was so focused on playing with Joomla that I didn’t take the time to write down the thoughts so I could blog on them later.

Now I could justify that there is the big picture of this great new project that is worthy of my focus, but the truth is that after 5 days, though I know much more about how the interface works, I am far from being able to complete the basics. Even with my ability to learn quickly, at this pace it will be weeks before I am done.

Fortunately I had my AhHa, and have stopped working on the area that doesn’t need me, and returned to the place that doesn’t happen without me.

I have smartened up and am now looking for a developer that will probably be able to accomplish the task in a day or so.

My mistake:
I indulged one of my old habits of doing everything myself, due to lack of patience and misperceived cost savings, and the belief that I always do it best (no matter what it is). I also assume that because I am working nonstop I am being very efficient.

My lesson learned:

When I indulge these old habits I end up being highly ineffective. I spread myself over a number of tasks that I am mediocre at, and there for pull myself away from the tasks that are my strong points and give me the greatest return for the effort. It doesn’t save me any money. In fact the amount of money wasted in the past week will far surpass the amount that it will cost me to hire a developer on Elance, who will finish the task in a few hours.

Forward Focus:
Five minutes of planning, can save days of time wasted. Next time I am ignited by an exciting idea I will take a few minutes to set an effective strategy on how to approach the project, and realize where I will create the most value and where I should be outsourcing.

Next week is looking great…

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