I’m Great /Good / Suck At.

I was watching a video presentation by Rich Schefren and one of the slides had a circle in the center with “You” written inside, and was surrounded by close to 60 other circles with all the types of things that one needs to do to run their business. At first I laughed because it was so pathetically true of how I function within my www.label-land.com business. And then I cried because it was so pathetically true of how I function within my www.label-land.com business.

Though we often know intuitively what is not the best for us we rarely take the steps to move in the right direction.

Though we may try to be super human, to be everything to everyone, the truth is that we are not.

We have to realize what we are great at and focus the majority of our energies on realizing those abilities. We need to be aware of what we are good at and but those traits in to play when they are needed and there is no one around to get it done. And finally we have to be honest with ourselves and realize what we suck at, what we don’t do well and more importantly what we have no desire to do, and get someone else to do it.

I am not an administrator. I’m not good at it, I don’t like doing it, in fact I down right suck at it. And I have realized that if I don’t get someone else to do it it wont get done. Though out of necessity I have had to to some administrative things (the government likes when I pay my taxes on time) I have been looking for the right person who excels at administration. I have recently found that person and I am thrilled. I can focus on what I am great at (Creating, building, selling) and he can focus on what he is great at (Administrating, property managing, optimizing systems).


Take out a piece of paper and make three columns, I’m Good At, I’m Great At, I Suck At.

Fill in the columns and remember to be honest with yourself. Don’t try to be something you are not, you most likely wont succeed and even if you do you won’t be happy inside because you are not being true to yourself.

When you have finished your list, decide at that moment to dedicate 80% of your time to what you are great at, 20% to what you are good at, and find others to do what you suck at.

Lets be great.

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