Are We Ever Too Motivated To Need Motivation?

I ran in to a friend of mine today, who is a real estate agent. He is always fired up. His current favorite line is “Hit your stride in 07″. He was giving me a little pep talk, and I asked him which motivational speaker was on right now (he sounded like a tape recorder), he smiled and told me the name. I asked him how often he listened to the tapes? His response “Every Day”. He said that as psyched up as he is, he needs to listen and be motivated by these coaches every day.

If you ask the majority of successful people if they motivate them selves daily, you will get a resounding “YES”. Whether they speak to themselves in a mirror, read their goals/affirmation, or just yell and cheer, they are constantly working to maintain their peak levels.

If the super successful need constant motivation, how much more so do we who are just trying to build ourselves up.

Next time you are in front of a mirror give yourself a winning smile and tell yourself ” I am limitless in my potential, I will hit my stride in 07″. Say it with feeling, say it till you believe it, say it daily, and you will rapidly notice how positive you become, how your energy increases, and when you feel that you are at the top of the world and you no longer need to talk to your self, remember if you stop you drop.

Hit your stride in 07.

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