Combining Religion and Technology. Making The Community Better.

So often we are hesitant to mix different aspect of our life. “Don’t bring religion and family to work. Don’t bring work home. Don’t mix business with pleasure.” We seem to want to compartmentalize every aspect of our life.

I don’t think this is a recipe for a meaningful and simple life. It is mentally draining to alway remember which mode to be in.

Though I think one should strive to lead a more fluid, synergistic life, one should still be sensitive to the world around them. Share who you are but don’t push who you are on other people.

I just finished going through Scott Howard’s site dipnoi. Though I can’t say I agree with his religious view points, I like the way he combines all aspects of life into one continual flow. He combines technology, religion and family all into one.

One of Scotts’ posts that I found worth sharing is his post on community safety. He has a post on software called KidzPro, which helps keep track of who kids should be leaving with when they are in various care programs. If you run a care program or know of anyone that does I recomend checking it out.ÂÂ

KidzPro Check In Software



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