33. Earth The Final Frontier.

There was an article in the LA Times about a space camp that will be built on the moon in the next two decades. It will be a permanent structure where astronauts can live and work.  It will also facilitate further exploration into space. After reading the article I started wondering why are we wasting our time with all this space exploration. To be fair I decided to see if space exploration has really helped us in any way.
I found a News report by President Bush, discussing the benefits of space exploration

“The exploration of space has led to advances in weather forecasting, in communications, in computing, search and rescue technology, robotics, and electronics. Our investment in space exploration helped to create our satellite telecommunications network and the Global Positioning System. Medical technologies that help prolong life — such as the imaging processing used in CAT scanners and MRI machines — trace their origins to technology engineered for the use in space.”

Though these are great things that have come out of the goal to conquer space, I wonder if it is space that has led to these advancements or the billions of dollars spent to achieve the goal.
When 3M was trying to design a super-super glue, they ended up with a seemingly useless impermanent adhesive. This failed work became the adhesive technology behind post-it notes. The R&D money was invested in a super glue, they lucked out and got post-it notes.
But what if they had failed?  Then it would have been wasted money.
I think there may be and element of this to space exploration as well. We set out to conquer space, and have so far not been very successful. On the bright side the tools we have developed in space have ended up being useful on earth.
But what if there had been no practical applications on earth? Again, wasted money.
I would compare space exploration to a person who spends the day building a fence of gold around his property, while his house is burning down.
Our planet is on fire. The fires of hunger, pollution, violence, drugs, sickness, debt, hate, war, and many other things that are burning us down. All the while we are trying to build our golden fence in space.
In the past five years over 100 billion dollars has been spent on space exploration. Imagine if that money would have been directed towards improving our own planet.
There is a saying, “Of all the places I have ever been, there is no place like home”. We may enjoy traveling the world, meeting new people and experiencing new things, but ultimately most of our energy and love is put in to our home.
Space may be and exciting and interesting place, but there’s no place like Earth.

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