32. Hoping To Re-Boot My System.

I am wiped.

I just came back from a show. I was selling my labels. It was nice to get out of my dungeon, but my dungeon is much more profitable than up above where the sun dwellers walk.

Martin Cleaver (awesome guy check out his blog) and I are going for a hike tomorrow. I am hoping that getting away from the concrete jungle and going to the living forest will help to re-boot my system. I have less than 9 days and 170 post to write. I will make my goal.

I find that when someone suggest a topic, my mind kicks into high gear. When Darren Rowse of ProBlogger suggested that I write some topics on blogging, my mind started noticing more about what makes blogging effective.

If you have an idea or question please comment (Be a leader comment first. Don’t be a follower, their never remembers.)

If you are working on a business and have come to roadblock, ask for help. You have nothing to loose. If my idea is useless you are no further ahead, but if it has value, it will rocket you to the next level.

See you tomorrow.

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