14. A Question of Perception. – The Followup.

I’m glad to see that a few readers got involved in the survey of whether Saddam Hussein should be hanged. The majority so far is “Hang Him”, and this is a fair view. Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, he should pay for his crimes. ÂÂ

As I was saying in the previous post my friend and I were having this conversation and he brought an interesting view point on why Hussein shouldn’t be hung.ÂÂ

He gave me an example of two war criminals from World War 2, Adolf Eichmann and Rudolf Hess.ÂÂ

Eichmann was caught in 1960 and sentenced to death in 1961. Other than text books and Holocaust discussions, Eichmann completely disappeared from the medias eye and so too from the public eye.ÂÂ

Hess on the other hand was convicted in 1946 and was sentenced to life in prison. He remained there until he committed suicide in 1987 at the age of 93 (many suspect it was assisted). The interesting thing was that for the almost 40 years that he was in prison, he was constantly remember by the media. Every couple or years there would be an article about him and the atrocities he perpetrated. People were constantly reminded of the evil that happened.ÂÂ

Based on that perspective my friend felt that the same thing should be done with Hussein. Instead of hanging him and letting the memory of his evil acts disappear into obscurity (and in the short term possibly turn him into a martyr), put him in a 8 x 8 cell with a toilette and let him be a continual reminder of what evil there is in this world and what had to be done to it.ÂÂ


If you would like to still vote go to 13. A Question of Perception.

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