The Powerful Impact Of Thought

A good friend of mine (C.G.)has been battling cancer for the past year and a half. When he was originally diagnosed, the prognosis was basically get your things in order there is no coming through this. C.G’s basic response was “If you are not here to help me win, I will find someone who is”. He was very careful to distance himself from anyone who thought that this was a loosing battle. He only surrounded himself with people who were supportive of, and believed in his ability to survive the disease. After a few months of Chemo, much to the surprise of the doctors, he was able to beat it and go into temporary remission. Unfortunately a few months later the Cancer returned with a lot more determination.

Again C.G prepared for battle, not willing to give up in anyway. And no matter how strong the cancer attacked C.G. tried to fight back.

At the begging of the week I went to visit C.G and was shocked by his recent changes. He had taken a major turn for the worse in the two weeks since I’d last seen him. Later in the week I was told that two weeks prior he had spoken to the doctor and was told that there is nothing left to do, and it’s all palliative care now. What was interesting, was the fact that there didn’t seem to be a major physical reason for the health change. The main difference was that when I went to speak to C.G. that day, it was the first time I really heard him talking about dying.

I can’t say this for a fact, but I really wonder if the turn in his health was less about the disease itself and more about the mental shift that takes place.

I beleive that he will find the strength within to keep fighting and with G-d’s help overcome this challenge.

The lesson here is the power of your thoughts. C.G. new right from the start that the only chance he has it to keep a positive mental attitude and surround himself with people of the same mindset. Negative thoughts are not only mentally debilitating, but can also effect a person physically as well.

Creating a positive and tranquil mindset can help to eliminate dis-Ease from your mind and body.


As you enter the weekend, take some time to reflect on the mental environment that you are creating for yourself.

Are you allowing negative thoughts and people to enter?
What steps can you take to create a more positive world for yourself?
What is the goal you are moving towards that will help you remain positive and calm throughout the challenging times.

How do you want to be?

Enjoy the weekend and have a wonderful Mothers Day.

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